Genre: Alternative Rock
Name: Gravity
Album: Demos, 2011
Plugs are shocking...
I haven't posted in a while because I've been on an "in-tents" military overnight for a while, and have a lot of work at the moment. However, I now am at liberty to give you a variety of musical treats, starting with this one.
Now, I'll come clean - this is somewhat of a plug. Gravity are not my band, but they are the band of a friend of mine, who has rather exceptional musical taste; we're currently planning to go to see Dream Theater in the summer. As a result, now that they have some recorded material, I felt obliged to put up their demos as somewhat of an advertisement for them. Note, however, that I am doing this of my own accord, and have not been put up to it by anyone, and nor would I give you anything that I didn't think was worth a listen myself.
However, rest assured that this is not just your run-of-the-mill teenage band who will soon fizzle into nothing; quite the contrary, I believe. They have, despite being in their infant stages, already performed with one Reginald D. Hunter, an exceptional comedian who has appeared on Have I Got News For You several times, amongst other things. They are, I believe, On The Way.
They have an interesting musical background - the primary songwriter cannot read music, but plays the piano by ear, and can "sweep-pick" its entire 8 octaves blindfolded, but has never had formal teaching. The drummer is also an excellent guitarist, and has somewhat detailed knowledge of the technical side of musical equipment, having made amplifiers in the shape of a deathbat before. In addition, he is an exceptional guitarist. Musically, they are somewhere in the orbit of Muse - not quite progressive, and not quite avant garde, but tending towards both of those areas. There are hints of jazz, metal and various other genres. In short, they are certainly worthy of a quarter of one of your earth hours to listen to these four tracks.
Track listing:
City Of Angels
Into Blue
They can be heard and downloaded for free here.
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