Monday 19 July 2010

Changes to Format.


This is mostly a general administrative post, for my own benefit as much as yours.

Point the first:
I am aware that I have promised much an delivered little. As a result, with as many as possible in the next week (before Friday), I will review the following, which I have promised before:

Abigail Williams - Legend (oft mentioned, but never actually reviewed)

Celtic Frost - Monotheist

Cult Of Luna - Salvation

Drop Dead, Gorgeous - Worse Than A Fairy Tale

Throes Of Dawn - The Great Fleet Of Echoes


A full-length release by Trancelike Void

Point the Second:
Following these reviews, I will then no longer review everything I upload. I will probably do about one a week, and this will be on the Friday. The reason for this is twofold - firstly, it means I only need to review albums I actually have something interesting to say about, rather than everything that I'd like to put up, and secondly, it will enable me to post more music. This means I can put up discographies, or more famous albums that you can find better reviews of elsewhere online.
For the music which I am not reviewing, however, I will still write a paragraph or two so you know what you're downloading, rather than just clicking the link and hoping.
This will start some time in September.

Point the third:
You may have noticed that, as of my Lamb Of God review, I have moved to Mediafire to store my files. This is because Rapidshare and Megaupload, my previous hosts, do not allow parallel downloads, and force wait times before and after file downloads. Mediafire does not, so I assumed you would prefer it. To see everything that I have uploaded from 19/07/2010, go to
I have also gone to scores out of 10, rather than 100, because 100 was fairly arbitrary: what's the difference between 85 and 86?
However, if I were to use decimal points, that would defeat the point, so, from now, only integer scores out of ten.


Echo's Wolf out

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Leave comments here (obviously) about whatever springs to mind: Broken download links, your opinion of the music, whether the meaning of life is actually 42, why there is Greek stuff on the page, whatever.

Questions/queries or responses shall be dealt with in a timely manner. Or whenever I can be bothered to.